How To Move During Sex

How To Move During Sex. There is one thing that can make any sex more exciting, pleasurable and orgasmic: movement. Yet for many of us, learning how to move during sex can be scary and intimidating. Many people minimise movement, hold very still or have a few routine moves they use every time. Full body movement, and especially moving the pelvis, creates way more pleasure and creates the opportunity for full-body orgasm.
Moving during sex makes sex feel better:
- moving generates more friction for your genitals and allows you to find the right spots for maximum stimulation
- moving the body relaxes the tension that can block pleasurable stimulation
- activating the spine allows nervous signals to travel to the brain, where they trigger arousal
- moving can be a form of erotic communication, helping your partner see what is most pleasurable so they can give you more of it!
Why do so many people find it hard to move during sex?
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Here’s how to get moving during all kinds of sex:
First, confront your emotional barriers that keep you from moving. Some people are worried about how their body will look if they move too much. Others don’t want to seem like they are enjoying sex too much, or fear they aren’t doing it right. Fear of judgement and shame keep us still and small in bed. Break through these mental barriers and you’ll free yourself to enjoy sex more!
One of the best ways to activate more movement in your body is to dance! Dance alone in your living room, with no one watching. With your favorite song playing, practice the three core components of erotic movement:
Hip Circles: Move your pelvis in a circular motion. Play with going slow, feeling each part of the circle. Then go faster, really shaking it up!
Hip Thrusts: Tilt your pelvis forward and back. Again, start slow to get a feel for the movement. Then speed it up. Try adding breath: inhale as you pull your pelvis back and exhale as you thrust forward!
Spinal Undulations: This is the most sophisticated erotic movement but also the most important for activating full body pleasure. Undulations are wave like motions that travel the entire length of your spine. Start with a pelvic thrust and then let the movement travel up your spine, ending only when your head tilts back at the end of the wave.