Sex Tips

3 Ways to Give a Woman Multiple Orgasms

Make her get multiple orgasms. Though it may seem daunting, making her orgasm twice is possible, according to a study from Indiana University and the sexual education platform OMGYES.

Researchers surveyed 1,055 women across different age groups, asking detailed questions about their sexual preferences. The study revealed that 47 per cent of women reported experiencing more than one orgasm. Additionally, researchers identified specific ways to stimulate the clitoris for the first orgasm.

Now that you know it’s possible, how can you help her achieve a second one? The researchers explored this too. Here are the three most popular techniques women enjoy after their first orgasm. Try them out for a second round of pleasure.

1. Continue to Touch Her in the Same Way

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If a technique worked once, it might work again. About 34 percent of the women who experienced multiple orgasms said that continuing with the same stimulation felt the best after their first climax.

This means she may prefer you to keep touching the same spot or maintain the same rhythm, explains lead study author Debby Herbenick, Ph.D. Most women preferred being touched directly on their clitoris, while 45 percent liked touch alongside, above, or below it. In terms of technique, 64 percent preferred an up-and-down motion, while 52 percent enjoyed circular movements.

However, keep in mind that not all women like the same stimulation after their first orgasm. Some may feel too sensitive and might prefer a different approach.

2. Rebuild the Intensity

Around 53 percent of women who experienced multiple orgasms said that returning to a slower, gentler touch to “rebuild” the intensity worked best. After her first orgasm, many women enjoyed a slower pace, allowing them to relax and gradually build up again.

This approach could mean slowing things down and focusing on other parts of her body. Giving attention to her less sensitive areas helps maintain the mood and prepares her for another round of stimulation.

3. Try a Completely Different Approach

For 33 percent of women, switching things up after their first orgasm worked well. If her first orgasm was achieved with fast, focused touch—such as circular motions—she may enjoy a slower, more gentle approach for the second one.

Variety also applies to the method you use. If hands were involved in the first orgasm, switching to oral stimulation or introducing a vibrator can bring a fresh experience and help with her second orgasm. Trying different methods will keep things exciting and enhance the overall experience for both of you.

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