How To Finger Your Girl For Screaming Orgasm

How To Finger Your Girl For Screaming Orgasm. As you are fingering your girl and bringing her to orgasm, you absolutely must seek her feedback. It’s the only way to truly know if you’re pleasing and satisfying her and not causing her any discomfort. It’s the key ingredient to being the best she’s ever had.
Rubbing Her Clit
The easiest way to give her an orgasm is to rub her clit. In fact, most women either need or prefer clitoral stimulation for orgasm; although, 64% of women reported that both clitoral and vaginal stimulation contributed to their usual method of reaching orgasm. Another study found that women reported their clitoris to be more sensitive than their vagina in terms of having more pleasurable responses.
The main takeaway from these scientific studies is that while vaginal stimulation can contribute to orgasm, most women find that their clit is the most sensitive area and should be caressed, stimulated, rubbed and loved if you want to bring to her to orgasm easily when fingering her.
Side note: Some women still struggle to orgasm from clitoral stimulation. But that’s normal, just like it’s normal for guys to ejaculate after just a few minutes of sex…although I do have a guide on how to last longer in bed in case you’re worried about your “speed.”
Even if you don’t do anything else, rubbing her clit is enough for most women to climax, provided you’ve got her in the mood first by removing the Brakes to her sex drive so she can get turned on and you have also ensure that you’ve actively made her horny by amplifying the Accelerators to her sex drive. Otherwise, go back to those steps before diving into vaginal fingering.